Yesterday, we had a wonderful visit with Marks track coach (he coached Mark in pole vaulting), Dave Fiscus! Mark and Dave have kept in touch with each other all these years, isn't that neat? Dave and his wife Rosie came to our wedding reception in Madison (almost nine years ago!) and we exchange Christmas cards and phone calls throughout the year. Dave rode his Harley from WI to Oregon on his HOG Rally trip and made the extra five hour journey to Bremerton just to see us!
We had a great dinner on the grill and then a bonfire in the evening. Dave LOVES our property and the peace and quiet it offers. He was able to see Shelby again (he last saw her when she was about three) and met Paige and Ben for the first time! Dave told Shelby that there was only one rule for her when she got back to Stoughton-she couldn't go to a track meet in Oregon and beat the Oregon girls! :)
We can't wait to move back to WI to be able to see Dave and Rosie a little more often than every six years or so (Dave came to see us when we lived up on Whidbey Island!).