When Mark and I met, Shelby was two, still a baby! As we've built our life together...added more children, blended the children we had into a family...moved to different homes as Mark has gotten new orders...started and finished degrees...and just lived our life together, time has kept ticking....so NOW, Shelby is 14!!! I do not know where the time has gone. It has flown by all too fast. She has gone from a little girl with big scared eyes...to a confident, beautiful, TALL girl who knows what is going on. She has figured out that what she has been told all her life about her father and what the REALITY is are two different things. She is seeing the truth for herself and the wonderful thing is that we have not had to say one thing. Never a bad word about her mother or grandparents. EVER. Only support and praise and encouragement for her life with them and joy and love shown to her when she is here. Such a long, hard road for someone so young. I only hope that we can somehow be given the wisdom to keep taking the high road knowing in our hearts that in the long run, this is the best gift we can ever give to her.
Anyways, we celebrated her being in this world with a cake and bowling (how ELSE do you celebrate a birthday?!). Mark took her shopping to the mall for her gift...she IS after all a 14 year old girl and we don't dare pick out something for her as we just don't have 'style' don't you know! hahaha....
I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed the day!
Shelbys cake was DELICIOUS....it was a cookies n' cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery! YUMMO!

Mark and his first baby..who isn't a baby anymore!

Yes, this is actually a picture of me! Just to PROVE I am still around! haha

Shelby and Paige. They are non stop giggling and laughing and fooling around the whole time they are together! Sisters.....

Ben and Lilly picking their balls...

The picture looks 'smoky'. This was because it was 'fireball bowling' night...they turned on the black lights and disco lights and turned off the overhead lights so everything we wore 'glowed'. Way cool!