On Wednesday of this week we took all the kids to Point Defiance Zoo. I bought a family pass for the year and so we can go anytime we want as often as we want...which is nice as we now don't have to go for a 'full day' to get our monies worth..we can go for a half day if we want...however, on Wednesday we did go all day! The weather was perfect, nice and sunny but with a breeze so it wasn't hot.
Here is Ben in the "Kids Zone" in a nest! He wasn't too thrilled I made him do this..can you tell? hahaha....

Here is Paige in "Kids Zone" feeding a goat. Isn't she getting tall? (of course still as skinny as a pole!)

We go all the way to the zoo to see a mama duck and her babies! This was an unused pen that they were going to put something into but this duck laid eggs in there this spring so they left her alone and let her raise her babies! How cute is that!

Ben posing on a rock, again, doesn't look too thrilled does he? lolol

This family of otters was so cute! The father has 'arthritis' and was on medication for it! The family went everywhere together. When one got out they ALL got out, very cute!

Marks favorite animal- the Tiger! This guy was actually laying on his back asleep, then got up and posed for a few minutes, just enough time for me to get a few good shots and then he was back on his back asleep!

Paige and Shelby on the merry go round. I bought a punch card for it which gives us three free rides when all is said and done!

Paiges favorite animal in the WORLD! She is nuts about owls! If you want to get her a gift that will thrill her, make it something to do with owls (stuffed animal, book etc). She is keeping a journal of all the owl facts she knows!

We found this lady giving an informal talk about owls on one of the zoo paths. Of course we had to stay for the whole thing and were actually the LAST people standing there when she was done!

Hugs to all,