My brother came for Christmas! It was our first one together EVER!
He brought his son Peyton with the cousins all got to play together for four days!
They played games like operation while Aaron played his guitar...
We all took time to relax by doing the things we like Mafia wars!
And playing games like Rumicub...
Christmas eve we had a great dinner and wore goofy hats!
Did I mention the great food?
Christmas eve also saw us opening a gift!
Christmas morning found us rooting through stockings...
And wearing our new hats...even Dexter got something in his stocking!
Santa is a smart man! He brought Paige and Ben Mario Cart for the Wii!
And Peyton did the dance of joy when he saw that Santa had brought him the texting pad for his Xbox 360!
Paige got a unicycle of her own!!
And Ben got a BB gun!
The best gift? Turns out it was the box! :)
You'll notice there is one person missing from all these pictures. Shelby. She was supposed to fly out on the 23rd. Her mother refused to put her on the plane. Absolutely REFUSED. This woman is going to find in time that all of her evil tricks and plans bite her in the ass. The people who are most damaged by her are Mark and Shelby. Mary thinks she's succeeded in stopping them from having a relationship. Stupid woman. What she doesn't know is that they WILL have one, maybe not for a few years, but they will. And when that happens, hearts will heal. But I can't blame Mary for trying...after all, her life is truly in the toilet. She is going through her third divorce and it is VERY messy...she has no friends in her life other than her mom and dad. This is not an exaggeration , she only has 'friends' when she is married and that is because they are her husbands she is alone..the only person she has is Shelby..and I guess she just couldn't face another Christmas alone and miserable. Oh well...she'll have to explain herself to a judge this time. But in spite of the evilness that resides in her that we have to put up with on a consistent basis, we had a LOVELY Christmas!!!
Hugs to all,