Life has become so insanely busy. I always have good intentions about blogging. And then life intrudes! Paige and Ben are busy with baseball season. Two practices and a game or two a week. Mark and I just finished teaching our spring session of Divorce Recovery (13 weeks, twice a year!). I am still insanely busy with school, and Mark is busy being a superstar at work, and getting lots of overtime.
The MOST exciting thing has been that my brother got married last week! He is in his mid 30's and has taken his time to find the right gal. And oh, she is the one. She is pretty, and funny, and smart, and oh so perfect. We heart her. And he hearts her. and that is all that matters!
Some things don't change. Mary is still being ...........Mary. She has taken Shelby to EIGHTEEN doctors visits in the past four months. You read that right. That means 18 bills. All for nothing. Turns out Shelby is perfectly healthy. Mark emailed Mary and told her that after living with her mom for 17 years, maybe what Shelby needs is a therapist (sometimes he can be so precise!). But you know what? I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I am in a good place, and all of this is really showing Shelby what life is really all about. Mark will always be able to say he did his most, his best, his fullest for her. And in 12 months our obligations are over. At that point, it is up to Shelby to seek Mark out, and perhaps then, the two of them can do their thing, without Mary and her insanity in the mix.
Spring is 'supposed' to be here, but we have had only 29 days without rain so far this year. It will be interesting to see what this winter will be like. We have projects in the planning stages, with the entire renovation of our home as the top one!
We are trying to go home for Thanksgiving, but with gas prices what they are, we can't see spending over 2000 dollars for six days. Hopefully things will change......
In the meantime, life goes on full speed ahead. And I love it.
Hugs to all,