What a fun Labour Day long weekend we had! We spent four days in Eastern Washington, in the middle of God Knows Where, just outside a little town called "Naches" (pronounced sorta like Na- cheese). Eastern Washington is very much like a desert climate. Dry, Dusty, Dry, Dusty, and more dry! :) So there we were, three women, three men, six kids, four dogs, no showers and no potties (ok, Bobbi and Stephanie are wimps and had motor homes/campers with toilets!)....the guys went out before first light every day and scouted and 'hunted' (I use the term loosely because Hunting actually implies seeing an animal that is huntable! hahaha), then came 'home' midday to have lunch and family time, then headed out before dusk to 'hunt' again. They did see quite a few does (it's deer season) but only three point bucks or better were 'huntable'. As you can see, the scenery was gorgeous....and Mark looks rather daper in his hunting garb! I was teasing the kids all weekend that I couldn't find daddy as he was in camoflauge! hahaha.....There was a creek by our campsite which we explored...and we managed to get up to the top of one of the peaks, after going over MAJOR rocks and bumps and getting whiplash I might add! :)....but the meadow at the top was worth the ride (not to mention the LUXERY of an outhouse! WAHOO....). The guys all plan on spending the next few weekends up there as Elk season opens (all the guys are bow hunting) on Friday....maybe our freezers will be filled up yet!
On the way home we had quite the adventure. All four vehicles in our convoy had trouble! Marks pick up blew the alternator (cheap fix that only took ten minutes thank heavens), another couples jeep over heated and wouldn't start for awhile, the other couples truck had the accelerator stick, and on the way down the mountain, after all was fixed and ok again, MY vans tire pressure light came on! Good Grief! I was saying that in the old days, women were not allowed aboard ships as it was considered bad luck.....I was wondering if the same was to be said for women on hunting trips after all our vehicle trouble!!
We stopped in Yakima on the way home and picked up 40 ears of corn (to be decobbed and frozen...and YES, Dad, decobbed is a word!)....a case of peaches....some hot peppers and a few zucchinis......yummers.
So now we are back home and are still getting all the hunting/camping stuff put away and organized. But still a wonderful way to end the summer.....and the weather is holding up and being quite glorious for this time of year!
Hugs and love
Mark,Jaye and Gang
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