This past Thursday, Troop 1224 had their annual Investiture/Re-dedication ceremony. What this means is that any girls who have bridged from Daisys or who are staying in the troop and re-registering for the new year, get pins and have a ceremony to mark this event. They have a whole ceremony with each girl putting a different flower in a vase...each flower symbolizes something different (Patience, kindness etc). Then the girls take turns and each light a candle on the log. Here you can see Paige lighting her candle...again, each candle and each colour of the candles represents something (lighting the way etc). It is a fun way for the girls to start their girl scout year off. The following day, the troop left for their annual September camp out. This was the first time Paige wen tto Girl Scout Camp without either Mark or I. We only had ONE teary phone call, and after that she was just fine. It helped having her 'other mom', Miss Ami on the trip with her! The girls came back with lots of new crafts and lots of stories. It's events and clubs like this that these girls will take with them into their adult lives! We are truly blessed to have two WONDERFUL troop leaders! Thank you Miss Karen and Miss Libby!! We love you!!
Mark, Jaye and Gang
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