It has been brought to my attention (Thanks Dad!) that I haven't blogged in awhile (he actually counted the days!). I figured that there hadn't been any major events lately, so there was nothing to really blog about. I stand corrected! :)
The kids are all doing well in school. Sam totally aced all his mid-terms and brought up EVERY ONE of his grades! He put in alot of hard work and did an outstanding job. We are VERY proud of him!
Paige has had her AR (accelerated reader) level raised. The kids are tested then given a level to start at in their reading program and they advance as they read books to their level and above. Paige started out at a mid-third grade level (she is in grade two). She was advanced yesterday and is now at a 4.0 to 5.6 level. Which translated means she is allowed to take books in the fourth grade to mid fifth grade level to read in the AR program. Her current 'at home for fun' book that she is reading is the first book in the Harry Potter series (yes, she is beyond the fifth grade level!).
Ben has been in 'extended kindergarden' now for the past month and is loving it! This is a program for kids who need extra help, or in Bens case, are biologically younger than the rest of the kids in his grade (he just turned five, while all his classmates are turning six!). He has blasted through all the work they have given him and is officially now a READER! Way to go Ben!
We've had some big health scares/accidents in the family. Dad ended up in the hospital because he was passing out. Turns out he has a vein that when too much pressure is put on it (in his case a bad case of coughing with a cold!) he passes out. I told him he better not fart! :)
Grandma Hazel lifted her laundry basket and fractured her back. She had surgery this past week and has recovered very well and Mom says she is like a new woman. I have decided that the risks associated with doing laundry are just not worth it. My kids need clean clothes. You know where we live!
Lisa decided it would be cute to go through a windshield. She had several CAT scans and MRI's....but turns out it was just a bad concussion. She spent a few days with Mom and Dad getting some extra TLC while everyone was working and at school and she is all better now!
Mark is still really busy with work and counting down the days till his new duty station! We are both busy with college (I currently have an A average after three semesters...I know..I know...all this and brains TOO! ) and I am also getting certified to be a state licensed child care provider. I will be doing an after school care program (no babies or preschoolers for me!) and I am really excited about this!
Shelby will be here over spring break and she is bringing her friend Ellie with her! We are soooo looking forward to meeting her and having fun with our big family! We are taking a little trip over spring break as well, and so I can assure you there will be plenty of fun pictures!
Life goes on at a hectic pace. Between kids and work and school, Mark and I don't get much of a chance to just 'be'. We are planning a few little day/overnight trips that don't include the kids so that we can continue to stay connected. It's hard to believe that this summer we will celebrate our ninth anniversary and still being silly in love! I am currently in the planning process of our tenth anniversary trip! The kids are NOT thrilled that they are N-O-T coming, but after ten years of no trips without them longer than overnight, I think Mark and I deserve it! :) Can you all pronounce U.S Virgin Islands? :)
Hugs to you all...
Mark, Jaye and Gang