Mark has been SIQ (Sick In Quarters) for almost a week now. He ended up in the ER last Sunday morning and was diagnosed with Bronchitis and a viral infection. He has been fighting it with an array of drugs but he is still not getting better. He is at work today as he has duty, but they have given him an early, easy watch and he will get to sleep all night. The worry is that if he doesn't start to break up the junk in his chest in the next few days, it will turn into pnuemonia. His upper lungs are full and the day before yesterday his lower lungs were ok. That all changed yesterday when Doc listened to his lower lungs and determined that they are now getting yucky too. Lets all hope he can get rid of this bug before it gets much worse.
Paige and Ben are cuddled up on the couch watching movies and drinking hot chocolate. A perfect way to spend a snowy Saturday if I do say so myself!
Hope you are all staying warm and dry...
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