Mark, Jaye and Gang
The ramblings of a woman who is a full time mom of five (we are down to two full time at home!), full time college student, wife of a retired Submarine Sailor, and a full time job, I can say that life gets pretty crazy at times!
TaDa! Shelby and Ellie arrive in WA! This was Ellies first airplane ride, so it was nice for her to have Shelby the seasoned pro flying with her! They said there was a fair amount of turbulance over Montana but they had a fairly good landing (always nice to have a good landing!). Shelby and Ellie and Paige have launched a giggle-a-thon that I imagine will last the next ten days!
We will be celebrating Shelby's birthday this evening as we like to do that when she is out here for spring break (her b'day is March 2). She requested steaks and broccoli for her birthday dinner (we are also making baked potatoes and an Italian salad-tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella and proscuitto) and we have an ice-cream cake in Shelbys favorite flavor (Oreo cookies and cream) from Cold Stone Creamery- the worlds BEST place for ice-cream! We have a few gifts from 'us' for Shelby and Gramma and Grampa Greene and Great Gramma Ruth have also sent Shelby a little something for her birthday! We will take and post pictures a little later tonight!
Tomorrow we are going to a boat party and might be going to check out some new little duckies! Sunday is church and then pizza and movie night as we need to save our energy for our vacation to Leavenworth (the town NOT the prison! hahaha) for spring break. We will be taking the laptop on vacation so will be able to post pictures on a daily basis...
Hugs to you all
Mark, Jaye and Gang
Here is Ben at his first T-ball practice. In this picture they were doing their warm up. After this they went through three rotations of batting/hitting practice, running bases and throwing. Then they played a 'mock game' to give the kids a feel of what a real game would be like. If practice is anything like what the real game is going to be like, it should be very entertaining! When the ball was hit ALL the kids ran for it, even if they were on bases. The kids had NO CLUE where the bases were and would randomly run around the field. Of course, all the boys had to 'slide' no matter what it was they were supposed to be doing! All in all it was fun. Ben has two practices a week and we will be sure to take pictures on 'opening day'.
Hugs to you all,
Mark,Jaye and Gang
Ta Da! Here it is! Marks new car! It is a 2007 Saturn Ion 2. It is going to be alot easier on our gas bill compared with his hog of a truck. We are keeping the truck as it is great for taking loads to the dump and hauling stuff from one end of the property to another. Mark really LOVES his car and I thought he'd sleep in it the first night he had it home! :)
We drove the new car to T-ball practice tonight but the list of 'rules for driving in daddy's new car' was a little much, not sure how often we'll do THAT! hahahaha....
We are now dedicated Saturn owners and will trade in our mini van just before we move back to WI for something a little more 'snow weather' friendly!
Hugs to you all
Mark, Jaye and Gang