I have just started the last class of my third (of four) semesters. I plan on being finished with my classes and have my degree by this summer! I am sooooo excited about this! This is a huge thing for me to do and I plan on doing a happy dance when it's done!
Lots going on over the next while. This weekend I am taking my infant/child/adult CPR and basic first aid course. I am also having two wisdom teeth pulled (does this mean I will lose half my smarts? hehe) which means I will spend next weekend eating milk shakes! Ben starts T-ball next week and then the kids have spring break- which means only two weeks and Shelby and her friend Ellie will be here! We are so excited!! We haven't seen Shelby since the summer so it will be nice to see her again. It will be SOOO much nicer once we move to WI, that way we can see Shelby on a weekly basis and be alot more involved in her school activities etc.
So I am off now to do some errands. Hope all of you are having a great day and have a great weekend!!
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Mark, Jaye and Gang
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