Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday dear Mark...
Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuu.....
Marks 35th Birthday was yesterday and we had a family celebration complete with cake (as seen in the above picture!). We actually took him out for an early birthday lunch at Red Robin when Shelby and Ellie were here last week, but had his 'actual' birthday celebration last night. He cooked (yah, nice birthday when you have to cook yourself! haha) lamb chops on the grill, while I did red potatoes and onions in the oven and also made an Italian salad that Mark just L-O-V-E-S! (Tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, proscuitto, fresh ground pepper, kosher salt and olve oil). We finished dinner off with cake and chocolate dipped strawberries.
Mark recieved lots of nice cards (Thanks Peggy and Gordon, Mom and Dad, Gramma, Dan and Laura), some with money inside! The kids and I bought him an electronic battleship game, a new Lego submarine and a nice orange down vest for hunting. I told him when he got his new car that IT was his birthday gift! hehehe.....
Paige had borrowed the movie "Jaws" from a friend of hers, so we watched that while we knoshed on cake and strawberries....
All in all a nice family celebration!
Mark,Jaye and Gang
"Scuse me but I thought you were Mark's birthday present... :)
Seriously the cake looks FANTASTIC! I was showing it off to Vince (his birthday is the 27th, now he's going to get ideas!) Did you pipe all the icing for the bullrushes and such? I have to give it a go! And now that I won't be working at porungi central (Maori for crazy) I will have TIME!
Love you
Yah, I made Marks bday cake..NOT! lolol...
I always go to Albertsons for all our cakes (ok, most of them..some of them I DO do myself!)..I had no time to do Marks so I had it done...
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