So now I am going to bore all of you to death with pictures of all my plants and flowers! I have obviously been successful with the transplanting of my flowering plants from their pots to my tubs as I found new blooms like the one above on all my plants! I can grow pretty much anything outdoors...it's the indoor plants that I massacre...not sure what I do wrong!
I have discovered over the past year or so that there is nothing I enjoy more than making a cup of coffee and walking outside in the spring and summer to look at all the new blossoms and growth in the garden. My mom used to do this when I was a kid and I thought she was nuts..after all...sleeping in had so much more appeal that peering at plants...
Maybe its getting older that brings this sort of enjoyment..and I don't mean aging as in 'numerical age'. I think it has more to do with coming into yourself as an adult...fine tuning your likes and dislikes...weeding out the things that are not so important and just waste your time and making time for things that truly bring you inner peace...
Whatever it is, I like nothing more than putting the kids on the bus in the morning and coming home and doing a walkthrough of my garden....it's quiet (2 1/2 acres of forest!), peaceful...and soothing....
Who knows..maybe I'll try to grow something indoors this coming fall! hehehe....
Don't bet on it!
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