Yesterday (Saturday) was Ben's last T-Ball function. We went to the main ball field and had the league picnic and awards ceremony. Everyone was assigned a dish to bring based on the level of ball your child was playing (t-ballers brought desserts). The weather really co-operated-not raining, but not too hot either- so the afternoon was very enjoyable.
After lunch, each of the team coaches was given the team trophies to hand out (each kid got one...cause you know, that REALLY teaches them real life values!) and Ben was thrilled with his. I believe he has it stashed in a safe place in his room but I can't guarantee that for sure (it may be under his pillow!).
Ben really wants to join up next year so that will give him something to look forward to next spring.
Ben has taken a real shine to 'Gwampa' as he calls Dad. Ben follows Dad around all day asking if he wants to play a game of one sort or another (Ben is a real game afficianado!). I think Dad is looking forward to going home in a week and a half so that he can get some rest! hahaha....
We are headed out for dinner tonight- Kings Wok Buffet - all you can eat Chinese/American fare. The kids love it as they can each get exactly what they like and we love it because it is cheap..especially tonight as Dad is buying! hahaa.....
Hugs to you all,
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