One of the things we needed to do for my After School care program to be licensed was to put a railing on the front porch. This is one side of it, and Mark is going to work on the other side today or tomorrow. Of course, Mark can't just quickly throw something up to meet code, he has to be all fancy...but it sure was worth the effort! The next project we are going to do is haul in a load of dirt and put it from the end of the house you can see in the picture to about a third of the way down the length of the house and then plant grass seed. We will then get as many loads of gravel as needed and finish up our driveway. Mark is also in the process of building a landscaping brick planter that runs from the other end of the house (the end you CAN'T see in the picture) to just under the last window in the living room. It is looking great. It won't be much longer and the front of the house will be done! Then we have to go BACK to the back patio and replace the gazebo we had as the snow ruined our other one this winter...who knew in WA state that would happen! Mark has decided he is going to build a proper wooden one. I am sure it will be wonderful!
Anyways, you can come and visit us again Mom as we now have railings for you! :)
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