Ben waiting as our flight was delayed!

Sam and Paige at Airport
Our trip here went so smooth it's hard to believe....I am thinking that Karma being what it is, our return trip may be a little jinxed! We got to the carpark and parked our van on got on the shuttle to the airport. We checked in at a computer terminal outside the airport and got our boarding passes printed out right there. We then went inside to face the lines, only to find....there weren't any! :) After checking our bags in (and telling the guy I was NOT going to pay for any bags that were too heavy so I had to shuffle stuff from one of the bags to another!) we headed towards security to stand in line....only there wasn't one. So after spending about four minutes for the five of us to get through security, we had three hours to wait for our flight as the much anticipated and planned for crowds just were not there! After one short flight delay, we were up in the air and off. The flight was great and after we caught a headwind, we made it to Chicago in three hours! We got to the baggage claim and grabbed the last of our five bags just as they turned off the luggage belt due to some difficulty! (Again, I am thinking karma might kick in! ).....
We got to the car rental place and found that with our insurance we got a discount of over $120.00 from what we were expecting.......wheeeeeeeeeeee....
We got to Madison late, but had a great sleep and felt better by this morning. We picked Shelby up from her Moms house and then spent the day at Mom and Dads (we are still there!)....
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I envision wearing elastic waist pants!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
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