I hope you all had a Happy Valentines Day! We are on a four day weekend here (school NID, weekend, then Presidents Day) so Sam went to a friends house last night. We gave out our 'valentines' the day before so that he could get his card and m & m's! The kids each got a card and some sort of candy..I got flowers and chocolates and Mark got...well...an 'adult' gift bag! :)
I spent yesterday morning in Paiges class being "Party Mom". I had baked heart shaped sugar cookies and the kids rotated through different centers during their party, cookie decorating being one of them! We had a blast! Nothing like loading up a bunch of third graders on icing and sprinkles (or hundreds and thousands as my girlfriend in New Zealand calls them! How CUTE is that?). Paiges teacher gave ME a valentine- a box of chocolate covered fortune cookies! YUMMO!
Last night, Mark put steaks (for him and kids) and lamb chops (for me) on the grill and we watched a movie...
Like I said, we are on day one of a four day weekend..Mark has to work today, but has the next three days off. Tomorrow we are going to finish painting and wallpapering the laundry room (will post pictures of it!) and Sunday is Church and lunch out with friends. Monday will bring what it brings..hopefully nothing! :)
Hugs to all,
ps...notice the spot on Bens forehead? It is a spider web tattoo that he insisted go on his head! Nice! :)
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