I began to realize that this was NOT a fair deal fairly soon into Marks first patrol. Hey now....I was having to deal with the puke AND blood! What the heck? So while Mark has had his fair share of 'blood' (Paige has split her head open three times..all while Mark was home THANK GOD) there have been times when I have had to deal with it while he is gone. Today was a good example. I took the kids with me to the hairdresser while I got my hair cut. Now they LOVE to go with me. They get to pick a special snack AND Cathy (my hairdresser) hands over the control of the tv remote to them! So while there today, Ben was sitting on the very slippery bench and slipped off. He hit the edge of a metal coat rack with his butt first (owie!) then continued to slide and hit his head. There was that dreaded silence. The silence that EVERY parent knows. It is the silence before the storm. I looked over at him and he was trying SO hard to be a big brave boy. But I could tell he was hurting. I asked him what had happened and where he was hurt and he said he fell on his butt and he was ok...but as he went back to the bench he started to cry. So up I got, wet hair and all and checked him out. At first I thought it was 'just' his tailbone that was hurt. But being the person I am and ALWAYS check the kids heads. I don't know why I do this, I just do. Maybe it's because I know that head wounds bleed profusely and if I can check it and staunch the flow early on I will be ok. Anyways, there it was..a nice little gash...but not bleeding..more like 'seeping'. Ben came as close to splitting his head open as you can get without actually splitting it open! YAY Ben...no blood...well, at least not copious amounts of it. The gals all ran around getting cloths and ice etc. and in no time at all we had Ben laughing and back to his old wonderful self.....
It was a close call. I guess he's heard us talking and knows he can't bleed when Mark is on mission! Puke yes...blood NO...lolol...
Here is a picture of the 'almost split open head'. Of course, Ben thinks this picture is WAY cool!

I'm a sympathetic puker, too! Blood I can deal with (although a head injury might make me a little uncomfortable), but puke is a deal-breaker for me. Glad Ben didn't get too hurt!
So when Mark goes out to sea, you have to come live with me and do the blood! haha
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