Ben and I got busy this morning and made 'cinnamon rolls'. The recipe is actually a twist on the old standard raised bread recipe in that you make a buttermilk biscuit dough (therefore no need to rise!) and make cinnamon buns out of that. Ben LOVES to bake, and is a great help. He actually knows our banana bread recipe by heart! Here he is with the finished product!
Kids often take you by surprise, and Sam is no exception. With so many different age levels in our home (15,12,7,4) we often need to do separate activities based on the different interests. So we have instituted a 'once a month' movie outing specifically for Sam. He gets to pick a movie he wants to see(usually sci-fi, or something the smaller ones can't see), and either Mark or I takes him while the other stays home with or does some other activity with the smaller kids. So this week when we looked at the movies for Sam to choose from, he surprised us by choosing 'Over The Hedge'! So tonight we ALL are going to the movie! I'll let you know what each of the kids thought of it! I have heard from various friends and family members who have seen it that it is really cute so I'll let you know the Official Greene Family Consensus!
We have ONE more sleep left and we get Shelby!! We have all been really excited about her coming. This summer we have her for nine whole weeks (usually we have her for five) so we are just so thrilled to have this extended time with her. Having such an extended time will allow us to really get into a routine as a 'family' with her....it would be nice if we lived closer to her and could have more routine time, but until they get submarines in the lakes in WI we are here for another four years....so until then, we look forward to our nice long summers with Shelby! She is getting so big (taller than ME now, which as Mark says "isn't difficult to do"! What a brat he is!) and is now officially finished with 6th grade, putting her into middle school next year (and turning 13 in the spring!! WOW!).
Ben and I have planted herbs, pumpkins, zuchini, tomatoes, jalepenos, banana peppers, and nasturtiums and they have sprouted up and doing quite well. Ben still thinks we've planted 'watermelons' (that's what he calls the pumpkins!) so won't HE get a surprise this fall!
Paige and Sam have one full week and a few days left of school. They are both looking forward to summer break. September brings some changes in our house. Sam goes to high school! (Where DID the time go?), Paige is in second grade, and Ben goes to KINDERGARDEN! This extra 'alone' time during the day will allow me to really hustle with my homework and I should be finished with my Legal Sciences Degree by the end of the year! While I am going to miss being at home all day, I am actually really looking forward to going to work....especially in my chosen new profession: Law! Long term plans are to head to law school once the kids are all in school full time, and then hopefully get into the political side of things in this state to make some changes in Family Law. There is a GREAT need for the antiquated, slow moving family law system in the states to make some changes and updates and I hope to be able to be a part of that!
Don't forget to post a comment if you want! It's a great way for us all to keep in touch!
Mark, Jaye and Gang
1 comment:
Good job. Now just keep it current.
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