What a busy day we had today! We got up fairly early (not sure this would be an easy task as Paige and Shelby giggled late into the night!) and packed a picnic lunch and headed to Point No Point beach and lighthouse! The lighthouse itself was small but full of factiods (it was built in the 1800's). One of the funniest facts (we thought!) was that the first lighthouse keepers wife was pregnant when they moved to the lighthouse. For the first 40 years there was no road to the lighthouse so everything came by barge. Well, it seems they needed to have milk for when the baby came, so they had a cow brought out to them. It was sent out on a barge, dropped over the side and it swam to shore! Viola! Fresh milk! You can see the lighthouse itself in the first picture. In the second picture, we were teasing Shelby about the sign and asking if she should be allowed to go in (notice the no pets part! hehe). She thought that was pretty funny.
We then went to the beach and the kids found some really neat sea creatures and shells. There seemed to be quite a few sea snails today! We all played flatball (a frisbee that turns into a ball when you throw it!) and football, built sand castles and ate a yummy lunch.
On the way home, we saw what is literally a 'boathouse'! You can see it in the third picture, someone made a house out of an old boat wheelhouse! How cool is that? We also stopped on the way home at Kountry Korners store, bought ice-cream bars, and saw the neatest carvings, all done with a chainsaw! Someone has alot of talent and patience!
Once home,we all quickly changed clothes and headed to the neighbors for a high school graduation party. Now, the girl who graduated isn't just ANY girl, she is the worlds BEST babysitter! And we all love her to pieces. Congrats on Graduation Charley!
After the graduation party, Mark took the kids to Wildcat Lake for a quick cool-down swim! I had to stay home and do laundry (my excuse to have some quiet time around here! haha). The kids all had so much fun that they want to go again tomorrow! So after Church and lunch we will head back (maybe we'll take our lunch there!)
To all of you who are fathers, Happy Fathers Day! We will post pictures tomorrow of our celebration! We have a nice day planned for Mark, and I am sure we will have yet another fun filled day!
Hugs and love to all...
Mark, Jaye and Gang
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