Well, after all the things we've been up to lately, Morpheus looks how we all feel! Exhausted! We took Sam to the Airport on Wednesday, as he flew out to visit Gramma Laa and Katie! On Friday, we took the remaining kids for a 'day of activity'! We started out by going bowling, and all the kids did really well. Shelby almost broke 100 in one game! After bowling, we headed to the park on base so the kids could feed the ducks. We found one duck all on her own, and it appears that she's lost her 'quacker'! She makes all the motions of quacking, but no sound comes out. We aren't sure how long she can last, hopefully the rest of the ducks will allow her to hang around at least on the fringes of the flock! After the park, we went to the kids newest favorite restaurant...Kings Wok Buffet. After dinner we headed back to base for a double feature (I told you it was a day of activity!). We saw Garfield 2 and Cars! Both were GREAT movies.....the only one who wanted to see Cars was Ben, but we are ALL glad we saw it, one of the best family movies we've seen in a long time!
Mark had duty on Saturday, so the kids and I hung out and played games/watched movies and sorted out school clothes etc! (Yup, that time of year again!).
Sunday was Mark and my 8th Anniversary! We've been together for ten years, married for eight! Not sure where the time went....but it sure has flown by fast! Mark bought me a beautiful silver watch and a gold chain, and I bought him a gameboy! Romantic hey? hehehe...
This week we pick Sam up at the airport (Thursday) and take Shelby to the airport (Saturday). We've taken the kids to the lake and played lots of games and are doing alot of 'sorting' around here in preperation for fall.
Hope all of you have a great week!
Mark,Jaye and Gang
1 comment:
Jaye: the cat is SOOOOOOOO cute! What a great name...
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