Yesterday Mark and I and our friend Ami took our kids to the Point Defiance Zoo! They have finally completed all the construction and upgrades and the zoo is AWESOME! Here you can see their newest exhibit of Monkeys! Hehehe.. We have a busy weekend ahead of us (what else is new?). On Saturday we are going 'crabbing'...which for you non coastal people means we are going to the ocean to catch crabs! We will be having a crab feast on Saturday night with Paul and Ami (their daughter is pictured above)...on Sunday we are going to Church (of course!) and then the boys (Mark and Paul) are going to finish our backyard fence while Ami and I get a supply of Lumpias made for our freezers. Lumpias are a wonderful Philipino roll made with a wonton sort of wrapper, full of meat and veggies...then you fry them up crispy and YUMMERS!
Sometime this week Sam will be coming home. He is on a camping trip with his Dad and as always, there are no set 'limits' or 'visitations'! Sams Dad and I are very open about raising our kids together and don't even have a parenting plan (we have NEVER spent one second in a court room even for our divorce!). Wouldn't it be nice if all divorces and remaining years of co-child rearing could be this way??? It is really what is best for the mental and emotional health of the kids, but it takes two adults willing to do this in order for it to work. And sadly, as we all know, there is usually one person in a divorce who is more interested in revenge against their 'ex' than they are with the health of their child...ok, I'll get off my soap box now...NOW you know why I want to get into family law! hahaha...
Hugs to you all..
Have a great week!
Mark,Jaye and Gang
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