Saturday, September 29, 2007

Avast ye swabbies, wheres me treasure?

Tomorrow is Ben's Pirate Birthday party! He is so excited and has asked a thousand times 'How many more days till my party?'. As he is having a pirate theme, I decided to try and be all Martha Stewarty and make his cake myself. The result is seen above with his 'treasure chest' cake. The whole thing is cake (bottom square and top rounded section). The 'loot' is beaded necklaces and toy doubloons I found at the party store. I am really hoping that the back of the bottom section holds up as the cake is actually quite delicate (next time I will use a homemade cake recipe as I find the resulting baked good is much hardier than a mix, but this time I didn't want to make EIGHT batches of cake batter, which is what this cake took!) and the top is laying on it with more weight on the back as the front is propped up on some dowel rods hidden in the bottom layer....we shall see in the morning if Bens cake holds up!
The second picture shows the cake with his 'pirate candles' on it (two are actually on the bottom sitting on the cake board). We will post more pictures tomorrow of his party and all the fun we have!


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Ben!

Today was Ben's 6th Birthday! Hard to believe he is that old already (ok..six isn't OLD, but it sure feels like my 'baby' is growing up way too fast!). He is having his Pirate Birthday party next Sunday, but today we had our 'family' celebration. He chose my homemade chicken strips and tater tots (gotta love kids!) for his birthday dinner, and then had a devils food cake for dessert!


Let The Holidays Begin!

Fall is here. There are several things that usher in Fall for me. One, the days start and end cold, with midday being sunny and clear but still a bit chilly. The other thing that ushers in Fall for me is that Canadian Thanksgiving is just around the corner (October 8th). I have started to put up all our Thanksgiving decorations. Having TWO Thanksgivings a year can be a bit of a decorating dilemma especially as there is one on either side of Halloween. So I have solved the problem by collecting pumpkins and turkeys for Thanksgivings and pumpkins and ghosts for Halloween. All the pumpkins and turkeys go up, then the turkeys get replaced with ghosts, then the ghosts get replaced with the pumpkins! Alot of shuffling, but well worth it! I went 30 years without holidays, I plan on making up for it for years to come! :)

Hugs to all

Saturday, September 22, 2007

More Cheer Videos

I didn't realize that Paiges' cheer videos would be such a hit! So here is one that Mark took today. You will notice that the movies I took are MUCH better than the one he did today! :)


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

For most people, once they are past the age of 25 or so...definitely by 30, birthdays are something to be avoided at all costs. For the record, I am not one of that crowd. I LOVE birthdays! I always reflect on where I was last year, where I want to be next year,and how I'm doing on my goals.

I also love cake. And in case you didn't know, birthday cake has NO fat and NO calories! :)

I also love gifts (of which I have received very thoughtful ones as usual this year...Thanks Mark, kids, Mom and Dad- yes, Dad, you guys sent me a gift!).

Ben and I have birthdays five days apart. So in the midst of having my own little celebration, I am feverishly planning a "Pirate" themed birthday for Ben this year. I'll take a picture of his cake as I believe I have come up with an awesome idea...we'll just see how it actually works out!

So...Happy Birthday to ME! I am eagerly awaiting the cake that Mark is bringing home for me, and am enjoying the gifts I've gotten. Yup..I definitely love birthdays!!

ps. I'm 41 for all you who were wondering!:)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Are you ready?

Hike That Ball....

All American Cheerleaders....

Chico PeeWee Cheerleaders

As promised, here is Paige in all her glory. The top picture is of course, her entire cheer squad. Aren't they the most ADORABLE cheerleaders ever? They cheered at their first game last night and I was surprised at how NOT nervous these little girls were. They did a GREAT job. The announcer for the game told the crowd that the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have some stiff competition! The girls thought that was the best compliment ever!

I am going to separately post a short movie of the girls doing a cheer. This cheer was filmed on Friday at their full dress rehearsal as I wasn't sure what the light was going to be like at the game. It was already dusk by the time the game started so I'm not sure how well the movie would have turned out had I filmed it then.

The girls did really really well at their first game. To make it more memorable all the field lights went out halfway through the fourth quarter, making all the parents scramble to find their kids and turn on their headlights! (The generator blew up!). So all in all it was a great night....there is nothing more American than a Saturday night peewee football game complete with cheerleaders!


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where were you when the world stopped turning?


Six years ago today, I was busy getting the kids breakfast and getting the older ones ready for school. Mark was in bed asleep as he'd had a long night at work. The tv was on a channel with SpongeBob. My phone rang and Mom asked "Are you watching TV?". I said "yes, cartoons..why?" She said that I needed to turn CNN on NOW! So being the good daughter in law that I am (hehe), I did just that. Up until that moment, my life...Marks life...the lives of our children were one thing. After that moment, our lives forever changed. I watched about ten seconds of the news, realized that whatever was happening was NOT an accident, and went and woke Mark up. He watched about 1 minute of the news and grabbed the phone and put on his uniform all at the same time. He knew where he needed to be but needed to know exactly what needed to be done. Submarine Base Bangor was in lockdown. No one but necessary personnel got on. The subs were headed out. Mark was told he couldn't get on base, to just sit tight and wait. And watch. And wait some more.

We kept the kids day as normal as was humanly possible on that day. We got them off to school and then tried to figure out what we could do. We felt like many Americans did that day...completely helpless. We headed to Hood Canal to watch Marks sub leave, but couldn't get within two miles of the bridge. We ended up finding beach access and watched it leave from there. I could tell that Mark was wanting to swim out to it. He felt he needed to be with his shipmates and yet he couldn't. I had never seen Mark feel so pent up with energy...than I did that day. We felt that the next best thing was to head to the Red Cross office and donate blood. We turned the corner to park in the lot and saw that half the town had the same idea. People were lined up for a block at least. They had more donors than they could possibly use! Being eight months pregnant, I was unable to give and Mark was only able to leave his name, blood type and phone number in case they needed him- at that point, they had more than they could handle.

It wasn't long before we started seeing the American flag everywhere we looked. Cars and trucks had them flying from antennae and homes had them flying. In that one day, I had never seen so many people so proud of the Flag!

Like most other Americans, we spent most of that afternoon and evening glued to the TV. I had to take many breaks from watching. It was just too much to see...too much to process. By the next day, I had no tears left. The coming weeks would bring changes to the base, to our town, to our lives that eventually became permanent. Gates were built. Barricades were erected. Airports became places of tight security. And we felt a surge in pride that hadn't happened in a very long time. We also felt anger. We tried to point fingers...pinpoint a solution....little did we know that six years later we would still be looking for answers. Little did we know that six years later we would still be embroiled in battle.

Twelve days later I gave birth to our son. The events of the past week seemed far away at that point. In just a few weeks we had become accustomed to the changes that 9/11 wrought on our lives.

But six years later, we can never forget how we felt that day when violent, vicious people came into our country and murdered thousands. We can never forget those who died. We can never forget those who rushed in to aid those who were caught in the maelstrom of this attack and in turn lost their own lives. We can never forget the families who lost fathers,mothers,brothers,sisters,sons,daughters,husbands and wives. And we can never forget those among us who six years later still proudly wear the Uniform of the United States Military. Those who stand up and keep us safe. Those who will do all they can to ensure that the events of six years ago remain an event in history and that never again becomes something that happens in the days and years to come.

Let us never forget.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Whaling and Aboriginal rights....where does it end?

As I am sure by now, most of you have heard or read, five members of the local Makah Indian Tribe took it upon themselves to kill a California gray whale this weekend in Neah Bay. They cite a treaty from 1855 as giving them the right to hunt whales for 'cultural purposes'. I find several things very interesting with this line of thinking.

Firstly, keep in mind that I grew up around and with Native Indians my whole life. I am very familiar with their culture and customs. A hundred years ago or more, whaling was a necessary part of the Indian culture. So was salmon fishing, hunting for Elk,Deer,Moose,Beaver etc. Drying of meat was part of their lifestyle as well. This was how they survived the long cold winters and their harsh way of life. Whales in particular were a key ingredient to their diet.

Having said all that, we need to realize that in this day and age, they no longer need to hunt such an ENDANGERED species. Grocery stores abound with various forms of protein (even for those who choose to be vegetarians!), fresh fruits and vegetables abound year round, and dairy and carbs are all readily available. If they truly feel the need to get back to their roots, the forests here in WA state also abound with species of animal life that are not even remotely endangered and that offer an alternative to the diet that isn't 'store bought' if they so choose.

Secondly, I find it very interesting that they choose only certain parts of this Treaty of 1855 that suit them. If the Makah Tribe wish to hunt whales based on their 'right' to do so as granted in this treaty, then I feel they should adhere to ALL of the articles of this treaty.

What would this mean for the Makah tribe? Well, Article 10 was a proviso in which the elders of the tribe at that time were attempting to control the consumption of alcohol by members of the tribe. The Elders realized that alcohol consumption was not well tolerated by the Natives metabolisms and caused unnecessary problems in the Village. Therefore, anyone consuming alcohol on band lands, or caught bringing it onto band lands was subject to having any government funds they were receiving taken away! Not a bad idea today! Those familiar with native culture know that alcohol and drugs are a pervasive problem, not simply because of their availability, but because of the basic Native genetic makeup. These things are NOT well tolerated, and have for centuries caused many problems within Native families. So what a great solution the Elders of 1855 had, you drink or bring alcohol onto the reservation and you loose any gov't funds you may be getting. I think this would be a GREAT motivator towards putting an end to the often rampant problem of alcohol abuse found on the band lands today. However, I don't see the Makah tribe enforcing this.

How about Article 9? It states that any Indian who breaks a law, either against another Indian or any non-Indian, shall be subject to the decisions of the United States Government. Now, in the above case of the illegal hunting of the whale this weekend, I distinctly recall the Coast Guard handing the five 'hunters' over to the Tribal police. Huh. THAT sure isn't under jurisdiction of the United States Government.

These are just two examples. Take a look at the 'Treaty Of Neah Bay, 1855' for yourself at It makes for a great read. It also exposes a select group of people who want special accommodations made for them based on their 'history' or 'culture' but who do not want to follow through with the entire set of consequences. They pick and choose what suits them. It is this sort of waffling that just makes me shake my head. I have no respect for any group of people who so blatantly twist the law and look for loopholes that allow them to basically do what they want. Don't get me wrong, it isn't just the Makah tribe that does this. But today, for right now, this is just a glaring example of this sort of behaviour. And I find it absolutely inexcusable.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. Lets all go and enjoy a whale free lunch! :)


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Cheer Uniform

As promised, here are pictures of Paige in her full cheer uniform. The girls have worked really hard over the past month and have learned alot of cheers and chants. Their first game to cheer at is next Saturday at 7pm. I will take pics and a short movie of them doing a cheer so you can see what Paige has been working so hard on the past four weeks!


Friday, September 07, 2007

Certification, School days begin and Circuses

What a busy few weeks it has been! It has been brought to my attention by some people who have no lives (DAD!) that I haven't updated my blog in awhile! Well, here goes!

I finished all the requirements, jumped through all the hoops, dotted all my I's and crossed all my T's and I am now WA state certified for childcare! I have three kids already (after advertising for a week!) and am hoping to add about three more. The ones I have are all before school care, and I'd like to have a few after school care kids. We shall see!

On Wednesday of this week that kids all went back to school, HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! :)
Sam is in 11th grade now, Paige is in 3rd and Ben is in 1st! So while having all the kids back to school is great (they were beginning to fight over EVERYTHING!)it is even more wonderful to have my days all to myself again. Mark has been in school and getting home early some days, so we are having whole days with each other! This is a first for us because as you all know, we both had children when we got married! Blending a family can be wonderful, but the one thing you DON'T get is that 'honeymoon' stage that most newlyweds get. After nine years, we are finally getting that!

Today Mark got home at 9am (he REALLY needs to get a job!) just as I was heading out on my walk with a friend. When I got home, I hopped into the shower and then Mark and I went on base. We looked around the exchange for awhile and then we went bowling! We were able to bowl four whole games! Wheeeeeeeeee.......

Mark decided after we got home that he was going to join a bunch of buddies on the other side of Mt.Rainier and go Elk hunting ( see what a day with me will do? hehe). I went and picked up the kids from school a little early and I took them to the circus as a surprise. I do NOT want to hear from you animal loving vegetarian types about how mean the circus is to animals or how awful it is that Mark goes hunting! Cause if anyone starts in on me about it, I'll give you some lovely background information on some of the main leaders of PETA! It ain't pretty, trust me! :)

Now that I am off my soap box and home from the circus, we are going to just hang out and watch movies tonight. Sam is at his friends for the weekend and with Mark away as well that leaves just the two little ones and me! Paige has cheer practice tomorrow but other than that, that is about all we have planned for the weekend. Paige is supposed to get the rest of her uniform tomorrow, so if she does, I'll be posting pictures of her!

Oh, the above picture is of the kids having a snack while waiting for the circus to start!
