What a busy few weeks it has been! It has been brought to my attention by some people who have no lives (DAD!) that I haven't updated my blog in awhile! Well, here goes!
I finished all the requirements, jumped through all the hoops, dotted all my I's and crossed all my T's and I am now WA state certified for childcare! I have three kids already (after advertising for a week!) and am hoping to add about three more. The ones I have are all before school care, and I'd like to have a few after school care kids. We shall see!
On Wednesday of this week that kids all went back to school, HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! :)
Sam is in 11th grade now, Paige is in 3rd and Ben is in 1st! So while having all the kids back to school is great (they were beginning to fight over EVERYTHING!)it is even more wonderful to have my days all to myself again. Mark has been in school and getting home early some days, so we are having whole days with each other! This is a first for us because as you all know, we both had children when we got married! Blending a family can be wonderful, but the one thing you DON'T get is that 'honeymoon' stage that most newlyweds get. After nine years, we are finally getting that!
Today Mark got home at 9am (he REALLY needs to get a job!) just as I was heading out on my walk with a friend. When I got home, I hopped into the shower and then Mark and I went on base. We looked around the exchange for awhile and then we went bowling! We were able to bowl four whole games! Wheeeeeeeeee.......
Mark decided after we got home that he was going to join a bunch of buddies on the other side of Mt.Rainier and go Elk hunting ( see what a day with me will do? hehe). I went and picked up the kids from school a little early and I took them to the circus as a surprise. I do NOT want to hear from you animal loving vegetarian types about how mean the circus is to animals or how awful it is that Mark goes hunting! Cause if anyone starts in on me about it, I'll give you some lovely background information on some of the main leaders of PETA! It ain't pretty, trust me! :)
Now that I am off my soap box and home from the circus, we are going to just hang out and watch movies tonight. Sam is at his friends for the weekend and with Mark away as well that leaves just the two little ones and me! Paige has cheer practice tomorrow but other than that, that is about all we have planned for the weekend. Paige is supposed to get the rest of her uniform tomorrow, so if she does, I'll be posting pictures of her!
Oh, the above picture is of the kids having a snack while waiting for the circus to start!
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