Tomorrow is Ben's Pirate Birthday party! He is so excited and has asked a thousand times 'How many more days till my party?'. As he is having a pirate theme, I decided to try and be all Martha Stewarty and make his cake myself. The result is seen above with his 'treasure chest' cake. The whole thing is cake (bottom square and top rounded section). The 'loot' is beaded necklaces and toy doubloons I found at the party store. I am really hoping that the back of the bottom section holds up as the cake is actually quite delicate (next time I will use a homemade cake recipe as I find the resulting baked good is much hardier than a mix, but this time I didn't want to make EIGHT batches of cake batter, which is what this cake took!) and the top is laying on it with more weight on the back as the front is propped up on some dowel rods hidden in the bottom layer....we shall see in the morning if Bens cake holds up!
The second picture shows the cake with his 'pirate candles' on it (two are actually on the bottom sitting on the cake board). We will post more pictures tomorrow of his party and all the fun we have!
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