Marks birthday is on the 11th of April, but he was away on a business trip so we postponed his celebration until he returned. He got home on Friday afternoon and opened his gifts right away (big surprise!). We bought him three new computer games and a 'One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish' t -shirt (he read this book EVERY night to Paige from the time I was three weeks pregnant). He also received a gift of money from his Mom and Dad and some coupons from Dan and Laura (thanks guys...we'll all be his slaves for the next while! haha). Yesterday (Saturday) I baked him a wonderfully delicious three layer coconut cake! It has coconut milk in the batter and as you can see, it is also completely covered in coconut...I have to say, thanks to Paula Deen on food network, we have found a NEW birthday tradition for Mark! YUMMO! After church today we had his birthday luncheon-grilled steaks and lamb chops, Italian salad (tomatoes,kosher salt,basil,olive oil,fresh mozzarella and prosciutto) and baked potatoes with all the fixings! All this was followed by the above described and below pictured Three Layer Coconut Cake. Dad, I promise to bring the recipe with me next time I visit and make it for YOU, as I know you'd LOVE it! :)
Here it is in all its glory!

And here it is with candles on it! It doesn't look like this now though! There is a fair amount of it gone! lol....

Hugs to all,
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