In January, the school district here tested Paige for the gifted program. On Thursday, we got the results......she was admitted to the gifted program!! We are soooo happy for her as FINALLY she will get the education that she needs. While her teachers thus far have gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep her challenged, it really isn't enough. In first grade she was reading at a 5th grade level and now in third grade, she is reading at a 7th grade level. She excels at all she does and gets straight A's (in this school district, it's actually all 4's as they grade on a scale from 1-4). So while I really hate labeling children, I am glad that Paige finally has this 'label' on her as this means the district now has to step up (taking the load off of Paige's already overworked and underpaid teachers!) and keep Paige on a level that she is capable of doing. It means that she will be taking the bus every day (starting in September) to another school about a half hour away, but the education she will get is well worth it. ALL the teachers have their masters in their subjects, so for example, the art teacher has a masters in Art and the kids don't do 'crafts', they learn how to draw and sculpt etc! Paige is nervous of course, and not wanting to lose touch with her friends so we are making plans to keep play dates and weekends open for her and to make this a positive thing for her! What this means for Mark and I is that Paige gets a private school education at no cost to us, and for this we are so grateful as we could never afford to send her to this kind of school on our own, and she really should be there! So Praises to the powers above that helped this to come about!
Here is a picture of the front of her new school, Emerald Heights Elementary. It is the 'flagship' school of the district, meaning when any dignitaries come to the area, THIS is the school they are shown, so this school is always the first to get funding! We just can't wait for Paige to start!

Hugs to all,
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