Paige and Ben enjoyed their last day of school till the new year. They each had a class party (the cake above is what I made for Bens class party!), gifts were given to their teachers (cute tin buckets filled with homemade treats and a $5 Starbucks gift card!), gifts were exchanged with their friends, and report cards came home. Both are doing wonderfully in school and neither has homework over the holidays! YAY!
I too am on a three week break (have already enjoyed one week of it!). I go back to school on January 3rd, just like Paige and Ben! It is nice to be able to relax and not have to worry about any papers due during the holidays.
Mark works till Christmas Eve, working only a half day that day, and then he too is on a one week holiday! It will be nice to have a week off together as a family without any deadlines or schedules to follow.
We will enjoy our big feast on Christmas Eve....a tradition we started a few years ago when Mark had duty on Christmas day so we had our big meal on Christmas Eve. Turned out to be a wonderful choice, as Christmas day was no longer a scramble to open gifts, clean up, cook, and eat. We will go and enjoy Christmas Eve services at 9pm and come home and snuggle into bed and wait for Santa! Christmas day will see us lounging around enjoying our gifts and each other, and the company of good friends. We would like to head up to Mt. Rainier to go sledding during our time off, but we'll see if we actually get around to that! :)
It will be nice to have this time to relax and enjoy time off.
Even nicer is not having to figure out the 'Duty Schedule' a week in advance to know if Mark will be home for Christmas or of the perks of retirement from the Navy!
Hugs to all,
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