Friday, December 31, 2010


What an amazing year it has I look back, I am excited for what lies ahead of us as a family!
Paige turned 11 in January....which means that as I write this, she is a week away from being 12! She is changing on all fronts...her body...her attitude....everything. She is a wonderful girl..and I feel blessed to be her mother. I can't wait to see what this year unfolds like for her and us. I know that as she enters her teen years we will have our ups and downs, but I know that I will NOT repeat my own teen years, and so that is the first indication that this shall go well! :)
June saw me start my bachelors degree in Psychology. I changed from Law as I felt that I did not want to spend any part of my life watching and helping marriages dissolve. Coupled with my legal sciences degree, I hope to work in the court system as an advocate for the under 18 set. They need a voice and the legal system and kids are my passion.
July saw Mark do his last day in the Navy. After 20 glorious years of fighting for our freedoms, standing up for what he believes in, he turned the watch over to a new generation. He did an awesome job and I will always be proud of his service. He technically had two weeks without a job, and is now doing the same thing he did in the Navy, but as a civilian, and earning a lot more money and finally getting the recognition and respect that he deserves....again, I am always proud of what he does!
September saw Ben turn 9. I do not know where the time goes. He was just born a few days ago! :)
Both kids are doing so well in school. Smart as anything and always so kind and good...
Sam has had a good year working and is making plans for his future. He is looking at what he wants to do for college, and is looking at moving out in January into his own place with some friends. While I am sad to see him go, I am also excited for him. It is a new adventure. He has grown into the most AMAZING young man. I am proud to be his mother!
This year saw some sad things as well....Marks Grandma Ruth died just before Christmas...she was 98 and lived a good, long life but it is always heart breaking to lose someone you love. This year also saw Marks brother in law Bill get very I type this he is counting down his days. Hospice and all in the medical community are not sure how he is still alive. He is dying and there is nothing we can do...we laugh with him..we cry with him...we love him dearly. He is keeping a sense of humour, but I cannot imagine knowing that I was hard that must be. This year also saw the final end to Mark and Shelbys relationship for now. Mary refused to put Shelby on the plane for Christmas 2009, and that was the last time (and first!) Mark heard from Shelby that year. She emailed him and said that she did not want a relationship with him right now but wanted one when she was an adult. Coming from an then 15 year old, that speaks volumes to us. Mary is a freaking insane nutjob who is doing a great job of destroying Shelby. Mary was divorced for the third time in January and moved a new man into their home in March or April...they are now engaged (God help him)....I have tried to be kind about Mary and our years of her crap, but really...after all these years, I can only say that she is the most mentally unbalanced person I have ever come to know. I pray for Shelby every day...she is going to need our prayers and good vibes in order to turn out to be a normal adult.
Sam turned 20 a few weeks ago....amazing how this four pound, eight week premature baby turned into such a lovely young man. I love much.
My brother asked a wonderful girl to marry him this year, and they will be married in the spring. They will be living in Switzerland (her homeland), and so this means that this year will see us saving our pennies for a trip to Europe in 2012. :) I cannot wait!
And now we are at New Years Eve....and I know that this coming year will be full of adventures and new things. I will get the major part of my degree done this year, the kids will turn 21, 12, and 10 respectively....(you don't need to know how old I will be this year!), Mark will get settled into the new job and become an 'old pro' at what he does...
I wish nothing but good things for you all...know that we think of you all often and miss you and love you all so very much....

Hugs to all,

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