Here is a picture of the kids singing in the kids choir at Church on Sunday. The picture is a bit dark, but ben is in the third row center...while Paige is in the fourth row left (red striped sweater). They did awesome! Ben wasn't planning on being in the choir, but after seeing Paige sing during the first service (we went to both morning services) he was quite excited about being in the choir for the second service! The theme of the service was 'When Ordinary People do Extraordinary Things' with the subtitle, "Ordinary Kids Sing".....they all did really well...of course, most of the littler ones were busy waving to mom and dad and not doing a whole lot of singing. Two of the girls were 'signing' all the songs and so Ben was busy watching them and copying the hand signs they were doing, it was quite funny! After church, a bunch of us (quite a few from the boat go to Newlife) went out for Mexican food for lunch....VERY yummy! This coming Sunday (Christmas Eve) will be a special service called "Christmas with Grace"...we are looking forward to this! Less than a week to Christmas! We have a party we are hosting on Thursday for Marks division on the boat (Sonar!)...we will be having it at our house and are so looking forward to it....then on Christmas Eve our home starts to fill up with friends and 'family' and we will have a house FULL Christmas day! YAY!!!
The kids are all enjoying their time off from school. Sam had a sleep over last night with five of his buddies. We were going to have this sleep over on the weekend, but with no power (for 30 hours!) we felt it best to postpone it till yesterday. My baby is 16 now! I can't believe it! He will start his drivers ed in the new year.....look out world, here comes Sam with a CAR! Yikes!
Hugs to all
Mark,Jaye and Gang
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