Thursday, March 26, 2009

Crazy Hair Day 2009

Once again, Paiges FAVOURITE day at school has arrived! She is CRAZY for Crazy Hair Day and each year comes up with some elaborate scheme or other for her hair! This year, we went with a bird cage complete with birds! I kid you not! The only 'butterflies' she gets in her tummy, EVERY YEAR, is on our way to the bus stop. EVERY YEAR, she worries that we mixed up the days and she'll be the ONLY one with crazy hair (could this be the 10 year olds version of the adult nightmare of getting up to give a speach and you realize you are in your bday suit? Oh come on, don't tell me none of you have had that nightmare!)....

So without further ado, here are the pictures from Crazy Hair Day 2009!

Here is a full on view of Paiges birds nest on top of the bird cage! Thank heavens for pipe cleaners!

In this shot you can see better how the 'birdcage' part of her hair looks..

And here is a close up of the birds in their nest that I put in her hair. She calls this creation her 'first day of spring do' a kid!

So I hope you all have as much fun today as Paige is having!

Happy Crazy Hair Day!

Hugs to all,


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Third time was SUPPOSED to be the charm!

I found out last week that Mary is getting divorced...for the third time. THIS marriage lasted two years which is a record for her (her and Mark were married about 20 months and her second lasted a year). When I found out I had a good chuckle as I truly believe in Karma and this woman is nothing but pure evil and horridness. Then I became quite sad....after all, she'd dated this man since Shelby was almost nine and married him when Shelby was almost 13. Mary does all she can to ensure that Shelby shows hatred and meaness towards Mark and so sets up each successive husband/boyfriend as 'Dad'. Mary would call Shelby when she would be here on spring break (usually Fathers day fell in that) and tell Shelby how much her husband LOVED the fathers day present and card Shelby had bought for him...and yet, Shelby has never once sent a card/present/telephoned/emailed Mark on any holiday or his birthday. And so over the past 7 years, Shelby has developed a relationship with this man that she isn't allowed to develop with her own father out of fear of disappointing her mother, and now this man has been kicked to the curb and Mary is already dating another guy (she filed for divorce January 9th of this year). It is sad for Shelby and my heart breaks for her. I know she is going to have major issues with committement and men when she grows up and the responsibility for that lies right at Marys doorstep.

The only thing I am glad about is that all Shelby has ever known of Mark is of him being with me. She has had an almost 13 year example of a long term, healthy relationship. Perhaps that will be enough to undo some of the damage she has surely suffered from her mothers parade of marriages and men into and out of their lives....

Truly sad for Shelby. Extremely emabarrassing for Mary.....

Hugs to all,


It IS March right??

I only ask that question because I am thinking I have either time warped and am back in November OR I was transported to another place in the world! We have NEVER had a winter like this one! I woke up at 7:30 this morning to a light dusting of snow on the ground and by 10:30 when I measured it we had five inches! Of course, I know WHY we are having this crazy hard winter. It's because Mark is out to sea! If he was home, it would be sunshine and flowers. But no, he is gone and so I get to shovel and shovel and shovel, and drive in the snow, and deal with life in the snow. COME HOME Marky so the snow will stop! lolol....

Here is our driveway about 8 am this morning...

The snow out our back patio. I love the way the snow gathers in the grooves of the brickwork and collects on the branches of the saplings growing on the hill....

Our front yard area...a little less than an acre (we have 2 1/2 total). I am wanting to put it into lawn this summer but it needs to STOP SNOWING!!!!

I love how the lights on each side of the front door have that 'glow' to them from the snow falling!

This is the top of the hill on a section just before you get to our house. I had to drive the car up here and park it or I wouldn't get it to the top of the hill with all the snow..

This was where the car was parked before I moved it to the top of the hill...

Same spot, only 20 minutes later! It is REALLY coming down!!

Hugs to all and keep warm!!


Art Walk

I get so busy posting pictures etc on my facebook account, that I forget that most of you who read my blog aren't ON facebook! Sorry for that lapse in blogger diligence! :)

A few months ago, Paiges class started a Native American project. Being a gifted program, it was actually quite in depth. They went and saw a play at a theater in town about Lewis and Clark, they read a book about a girl who was kidnapped by Indians and how she lived her life with them even after she could 'escape' (this was a non fiction book and quite interesting!), they made food the Indians ate and also did several Native American art projects. One of them was a clay mask which they glazed and fired and embelished etc.

Every year, the School District office does an 'Art Walk' where they display selected art projects etc from around the district. Paiges fourth grade art class was one of the ones selected and so we of course HAD to go and see and take pictures. Paige was less than enthusiastic! She tends to be shy about her work and really, once a project is done, she wants nothing more than to move on to the next one. As the mean mother that I am, I made her go anyways! hahaha....

Here are the pictures I took of the event:

Here is Paige standing outside the District office posing in front of the Art Walk sign. Can you tell how thrilled she is with me? :)

This is the sign by the class art display explaining the project:

This is Paiges mask that she made. I love it!

Ben and his friend Joshua posing in front of Paiges mask as she didn't want to!

Hugs to all!


Monday, March 02, 2009

I do not LIKE green eggs and ham....

I would not could not in a box,
I would not could not with a fox....

A persons a person no matter how small...

The horn tooting apes from the Jungles of Jorn....

Places like Far off Katroo, West Gee-Hossa-Flat, Who Ville and Motta-fa-potta-fa-Pell...

People like Daisy Head Mayzie and Cindy-Lou Who, Lolla-Lee-Lou and the Curious Crandalls...

The star belly sneeteches and the ones who didn't have stars on thars...

The Wump of Gump and Bartholomew Cubbins....and who could forget the youngest McCave and his 22 brothers, all of them Dave?

Theodor Geisel, aka Dr.Seuss brought the wonder of words and the awe of imagination to countless children (and adults, admit it!) around the world. He was a teacher ahead of his time...who adored children and who talked TO them not AT them, who wrote FOR them not because of them...

Happy Birthday Dr.Seuss!! Your stories live on in hearts all over the world....

Hugs to all,