Sunday, March 15, 2009

It IS March right??

I only ask that question because I am thinking I have either time warped and am back in November OR I was transported to another place in the world! We have NEVER had a winter like this one! I woke up at 7:30 this morning to a light dusting of snow on the ground and by 10:30 when I measured it we had five inches! Of course, I know WHY we are having this crazy hard winter. It's because Mark is out to sea! If he was home, it would be sunshine and flowers. But no, he is gone and so I get to shovel and shovel and shovel, and drive in the snow, and deal with life in the snow. COME HOME Marky so the snow will stop! lolol....

Here is our driveway about 8 am this morning...

The snow out our back patio. I love the way the snow gathers in the grooves of the brickwork and collects on the branches of the saplings growing on the hill....

Our front yard area...a little less than an acre (we have 2 1/2 total). I am wanting to put it into lawn this summer but it needs to STOP SNOWING!!!!

I love how the lights on each side of the front door have that 'glow' to them from the snow falling!

This is the top of the hill on a section just before you get to our house. I had to drive the car up here and park it or I wouldn't get it to the top of the hill with all the snow..

This was where the car was parked before I moved it to the top of the hill...

Same spot, only 20 minutes later! It is REALLY coming down!!

Hugs to all and keep warm!!



Neurotic Atty said...

I was really afraid our winter was going to turn out this way because we had 2 early snowfalls, but--thankfully!--we dodged the bullet.

P.S. You have 3 kids at home...why are you shoveling anything? ;-)

Unknown said...

I shovel BECAUSE I have three kids at home! gets me away from them! hahaha