Sunday, March 15, 2009

Third time was SUPPOSED to be the charm!

I found out last week that Mary is getting divorced...for the third time. THIS marriage lasted two years which is a record for her (her and Mark were married about 20 months and her second lasted a year). When I found out I had a good chuckle as I truly believe in Karma and this woman is nothing but pure evil and horridness. Then I became quite sad....after all, she'd dated this man since Shelby was almost nine and married him when Shelby was almost 13. Mary does all she can to ensure that Shelby shows hatred and meaness towards Mark and so sets up each successive husband/boyfriend as 'Dad'. Mary would call Shelby when she would be here on spring break (usually Fathers day fell in that) and tell Shelby how much her husband LOVED the fathers day present and card Shelby had bought for him...and yet, Shelby has never once sent a card/present/telephoned/emailed Mark on any holiday or his birthday. And so over the past 7 years, Shelby has developed a relationship with this man that she isn't allowed to develop with her own father out of fear of disappointing her mother, and now this man has been kicked to the curb and Mary is already dating another guy (she filed for divorce January 9th of this year). It is sad for Shelby and my heart breaks for her. I know she is going to have major issues with committement and men when she grows up and the responsibility for that lies right at Marys doorstep.

The only thing I am glad about is that all Shelby has ever known of Mark is of him being with me. She has had an almost 13 year example of a long term, healthy relationship. Perhaps that will be enough to undo some of the damage she has surely suffered from her mothers parade of marriages and men into and out of their lives....

Truly sad for Shelby. Extremely emabarrassing for Mary.....

Hugs to all,


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