Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

For most people, once they are past the age of 25 or so...definitely by 30, birthdays are something to be avoided at all costs. For the record, I am not one of that crowd. I LOVE birthdays! I always reflect on where I was last year, where I want to be next year,and how I'm doing on my goals.

I also love cake. And in case you didn't know, birthday cake has NO fat and NO calories! :)

I also love gifts (of which I have received very thoughtful ones as usual this year...Thanks Mark, kids, Mom and Dad- yes, Dad, you guys sent me a gift!).

Ben and I have birthdays five days apart. So in the midst of having my own little celebration, I am feverishly planning a "Pirate" themed birthday for Ben this year. I'll take a picture of his cake as I believe I have come up with an awesome idea...we'll just see how it actually works out!

So...Happy Birthday to ME! I am eagerly awaiting the cake that Mark is bringing home for me, and am enjoying the gifts I've gotten. Yup..I definitely love birthdays!!

ps. I'm 41 for all you who were wondering!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, Jaye. NO secrets. What did I buy you for your birthday???