Monday, December 21, 2009


Yesterday, a guy I graduated high school with had a heart attack while cross country skiing with his 14 year old son. Doing what he loved most with one of the people he loved the most, Dominic died. At 43. With a whole lifetime of adventures ahead of him. Dominic was the kind of guy who would help you with anything....anytime. He was a HUGE guy...6 foot and then some all through high school...and wide too..not in a 'fat' way..he was just a big big guy..he played rugby with vigor...he was always smiling...always with a joke. And even in high school you caught glimpses of the man he was to become...and amazing for high school, he was never a jerk...just a nice guy. He belonged to the Cadets (Canadian version of ROTC). At that time in my life I was anti war, anti gun..ok..I was a tree hugging hippie...and I used to get into great debates with Dom about how I couldn't understand how he would WILLINGLY train to kill people! Imagine the chuckle he got when we were all grown up and I told him I had married a Nuclear Submarine Sailor! He got a real tickle out of that one...and although Dom never made the military his career..he did make a career out of serving people...he became a paramedic..and who knows how many lives he saved....He will always be remembered by the graduating class of 1984 a a big teddy bear of a guy...

An acquaintance of mine blogged today about the two year anniversary of her brothers death. He too was young...with young children and a wife and a whole lifetime ahead of him. From all she has written about her brother, he too was a wonderful man. An amazing father..a great husband..and a brother rivaled by no one..he was her hero..that comes through in her words loud and clear.

So todays blog is for Dom...a guy I knew briefly for five short years when we were teens...and whom I will always remember...and for Mike..a man I never met, but who I know touched many lives.

RIP too Mike. Two men taken way too soon. You will always be remembered by your friends and families.

Hugs to all,

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