Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm leaving on a Jet Plane

One of the oddities of Marks job is that there is no schedule. Well, there IS, but we like to say that 'schedules in the Navy are set in Jello'! So it was with great surprise that he pulled into San Diego. After a bit of research and planning it was decided that it was feasible for the kids and I to fly down for a long weekend!

We are looking forward to seeing's been awhile. The kids are so excited it's like they have eaten 15 cupcakes with frosting and sprinkles and are on a sugar high! haha...

Many of the parks there are doing the 'salute to our Heros' special, so we are going to SeaWorld for FREE, as well as able to go to the Zoo for FREE! We really don't want to go to the zoo, but Ben has his heart set on it. Maybe we can bribe him by taking him to the beaches?

I fully plan on eating some great food down there. Funny how you can find that certain cities have GREAT food in general and San Diego is one of them!

So that is MY plan for the weekend! How are YOUR plans going? :)


1 comment:

Neurotic Atty said...

That's great! Hope you all have a wonderful time and a safe trip!