Monday, January 26, 2009

Gung Hay Fat Choy.....and RIP Wasabi

Today starts the Chinese Year of the Ox. President Obama happens to be born in the year of the Ox. (Interesting little coincidence there).I remember when Katie and Sam were each in Kindergarden in Sechelt (small town in Canada) they took a field trip to the local chinese restaraunt ( I SAID it was a small town ok?!) and learned to use chopsticks and eat chinese food. It was always the 'big deal' field trip of Kindergarden! :)

Around HERE, however, it's the Day of the Hamster,or the passing thereof. Paiges little Panda Bear Hamster 'Wasabi' died in her sleep last night. She was 13 months old, which is sort of average for a hamster. Paige was heartbroken and I tried to say all the right things, while validating her feelings of sheer sorrow. If someone could use all the science available and 'invent' a pet that wouldn't die, parents everywhere would flock to buy one. It would seriously take one of the little pains out of childhood not to mention parenthood, to not ever have to deal with a pet death..

Paige cried for awhile, then her tears dried up and she got onto the 'logistics' of this death. Like how to bury Wasabi. She decided to fill up a gift bag (don't ask!) with pine shavings and put a napkin wrapped Wasabi into it and seal it up. Said bag containing one dead hamster is now in the shed, awaiting Marks return from sea, so he can attend the funeral. Thankfully this is not summer time, and I believe if I were to check on aformentioned hamster in a bag, I would find it now frozen cryogenics WA state style! :) Paige is now spending the day at home with me. I figured that would be better than going to school and having to go through the whole story all day...sort of a healing time..

I told her that while she may not want to think about it right NOW, she could chose another pet when she is ready (I know..I just don't learn do I?) and I also told Ben that he was old enough to have one as well (hey, in for a penny in for a pound I say!). His response? "Great. And you know the BEST thing about me owning a pet?" No Ben, what? "When it dies, I get a free day off school!". Boys..they sure a different breed.

So anyways..RIP Wasabi, and for the rest of you? Gung Hay Fat Choy!!



Skip said...

A very sad story for Paige but funny as heck with Ben's take on pet ownership.
Perhaps he should chose a short lived pet. That way, more days off from school

From a very understanding grampa.

Unknown said...

At least Ben sees the silver lining right? Lolol..
Paige hasn't talked about a new pet yet other than to say she'll wait awhile....
She isn't so sad now..but going into her room and looking at the empty cage doesn't help..but I don't want to take it out..that is her move...on her time...