Saturday, January 31, 2009

More details...and it just keeps getting better!

As days go by, more and more details come out about the mother who gave birth to eight babies. I made a mistake in my earlier post. Her HUSBAND is not the one going back to Iraq, her FATHER is. She is 33, divorced and living with her parents in a 1500 square foot home!

I firmly believe that the doctor that implanted 8 embryos into her should have his medical license revoked. I also believe the state of CA should deny this woman ANY help with her children. Sound harsh? Perhaps. But she was a single mother UNABLE to live on her own and support the children she already had, and yet she made a concerted effort to get pregnant AGAIN, to 'try to have another girl'. Is she for REAL??? Total irresponsibility. If you can't support the SIX children you already have what business do you have in having MORE?

I say these 8 children should be put up for adoption to good homes that can care for them. After all, if she can't support six kids, how in Gods name is she going to support 14????

Hugs to all,


Neurotic Atty said...

Her mother has said that she was "obsessed" with having kids all her life. For her own mother to use such a strong word, you have to wonder if she has some sort of mental issue, in which case, my question is this: Is there no psychological evaluation process for people who turn to IVF over and over and over again (as she apparently did). You have to get a psych eval to get other medical procedures -- why not this?

Unknown said...

The thing is, you DO have a psych question is 'what was this clinic thinking?'...very good article on CNN this morning written by a Dr who sits on an ethics board for some hospital or other..made some GREAT points! Like 'what DR in his right mind would implant EIGHT embryos?"

Neurotic Atty said...

Did you notice, too, that she seems to like plastic surgery? Neither the nose nor the lips are original equipment!

Unknown said...

And I am wondering where her money is coming from..plastic surgery...IVF...she has collected over 168,000 dollars in the past 7 or so years..but with 6 kids to feed/clothe etc that money would go pretty quick...makes one wonder...
I just hope the state of CA doesn't end up picking up the tab on this one.