Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Alone, but not lonely

I always use my 'alone' times to get things accomplished that I otherwise put off...closets get gutted and cleaned...
I take a class, or teach one...
The kids and I try to do one or two 'new' things during this time...Paige and I are taking up cross stitching and I want to take Ben and Paige to the Rainforest cafe...we've never been and it looks like fun....
I am taking a trip home...which for me is with Marks family...MY family...they are my favourite people and I love them...
I have a personal trainer who gave me a personal fitness routine and if my kids stop getting the flu and other nasty things, I will get to the gym and start this program!....
I read all those books I've put off reading...
I get closer to God..I read my bible and I take the time for personal study..
I just 'listen'. To the quiet of the the sound of the wind in the my thoughts..

And I love from afar....and I am proud from afar...because I know that no matter where he is in this big wide world, he knows that I love him and that I am proud..and that we are all ok..and that we eagerly await his return....


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