Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day to ALL my friends, but especially my single ones who HATE today! Just know that while you may not have a significant other in your life right now, you ARE loved and your friendship means more to me than you will ever know! Enjoy your single is a time to grow and learn and become more of the person you are.

In our society, we seem to still look upon 'singleness' as a flaw..a 'what's wrong with THEM' thought. There is NOTHING wrong with being single! There is not a flaw in someone who is older and single. Sometimes being single is a choice, and sometimes it's not. But however you arrive at your singleness, know that it is not a reflection on you as 'lacking' something..hell, you might even be smarter than us married folks! hahahaha...

Valentines Day is about love..sharing your joy and laughter and self with the world and those in it that you touch each day!

So Happy Valentines Day my friends! While I am alone on this Valentines day, I am not lonely! I have all of you in my life, and THAT is all I could ever ask for!

Hugs to all,

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