Thursday, February 12, 2009


I know I have blogged several times about this situation, but it REALLY frosts my cupcake! Can you tell???

So this woman in CA with the 14 kids...the one who already had SIX and is a single mother, then went for infertility treatments for MORE kids and ended up with 8 more! Her latest stunt? She has set up a website! It shows pics of the eight babies, who ARE very cute...and it also, for your convenience, has a link so you can directly contribute to her and her family! WTF?? So she has six a single mom..and KNOWINGLY and with INTENT went out to have more..and now she is asking US for money??? Oh! And she also has said she doesn't receive state aid..but then went on to say she DOES get almost $500 a month in food stamps. Uh...last I checked, that was considered state aid!

The GALL of this woman...I really just shake my head...I feel for her kids...and her parents...but she is certainly a few french fries short of a happy meal.....



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