Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Everyone who knows me knows I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Christmas and Easter holidays. I go all out for those Holidays with decorations and special food..well thought out gifts and really cool Easter baskets (if I do say so myself!). However, I try hard all year to show appreciation for His Birth and my gratitude for Jesus' sacrifice, not just on those holidays..but every day.

So how does that all apply to Earth Day? While I love the idea of a day we all stop and do something for the good of the Earth and for Mother Nature, I also know that a good percentage of those who get out and do something on Earth Day really don't do much of anything for the earth the rest of the year. EVERY DAY should be Earth Day. Giant corporations are constantly pumping toxic sludge into our environment, we use our cars every day and fly on planes, both of which add to our carbon footprint. So much is done every day that negatively impacts our planet that we all need to do what we can EVERY DAY to have a positive influence on the earth. What can we do?

The biggest thing we can do is RECYCLE! Plastic,paper,soda cans....become a recycling NUT just like me! :) The next best thing we can do? Take less trips in our cars! Plan your day so that you get more errands etc done on ONE trip instead of making two or three or four trips! When you go to the grocery store, look for 'locally grown' produce and meat. The further our food has to travel the larger its impact on the environment and THAT is all added to OUR individual carbon footprint! Buy paper products made from recycled materials. Have electronics fixed instead of 'replaced' if possible. Consume less of everything.

We can't expect the earth to survive for long at the pace we are going. We need to act NOW and we need to ALL do our part. To be honest, you don't even have to do any of the above mentioned things religiously to make a difference. If you have a recycle bin in your home and just throw in ONE SODA CAN a day, you'd make a HUGE impact on the environment! Start small and go from there!

Oh..and Happy Earth Day! Keep smiling Mother Nature, we really DO love you!

Hugs to all,

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