Thursday, July 16, 2009


So I was cleaning out the fridge today and found a container of potatoe salad from the 4th of July. It was one I had bought from Albertsons, so it wasn't nasty it was just 'out of date'. Instead of using a spoon (and hence adding one MORE thing for me to wash) I just dug it all out with my hand. The kids were almost GAGGING! lol....'MOM, that is so GROSS'.

Yah well..I am a MOM. I've done worse things. And it all started with the birth of each child. Anyone who's witnessed, or in we ladies cases, experienced child birth, we know it's not all the spiritual moment it's cut out to be. Yes, we DO get to see the beautiful gift God gave us, but that is precluded with blood, sometimes puking and various other body fluids. We then move on to the growth of these precious bundles. There are the malfunctioning diapers when they are little and the poop shoots up their back and down the arms and legs of their sleepers. Theres the projectile puking of breast milk when they've over stuffed their little selves, and sometimes, ok, MOST times, this lovely fluid ends up all over US. In our hair, on our clothes, and if we are open mouthed at the time....well, you get the picture. Then they get older. They ask for a sip of your soda or juice and we deal with the 'backwash'. They get even older and we deal with pets...the hairballs the cat horks up...the hamster poop on the table (I've told them a MILLION times their hamsters don't REALLY want to eat with us!)...the dead frogs/lizards/tadpoles/fish etc we've had to pick up and then ready for burial. There's the middle of the night puking that NEVER starts in the bathroom but usually in their newly made beds, and it soaks EVERY inch of EVERY blanket. There's the sippy cups of milk behind the couch we find a week later...the mouldy glob of whatever it used to be that we find underneath the car seat.....

Not pleasant things..but I make my point. Scooping out potatoe salad with my hand is about the LEAST gross thing I've had to deal with in my lifetime!

Hugs to all,


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