Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back to Court we go......

Sometimes I need to vent in a safe place with friends and family who understand. So sometimes, this blog is about me getting things off my chest. Comment if you want as this blog is private and the people mentioned in this blog are unable to access it! :) So here goes....hang on to your seats!

Mark hasn't spoken to Shelby in almost a year. It's not that he hasn't been trying! 17 phone calls with messages left on the machine or with Mary to have Shelby call back. Numerous emails. Texts. Letters. All gone unanswered. Not a word. And now, a few weeks ago, Mary actually had the guts to RETURN a letter that we wrote! We addressed it to 'Shelby Greene' (keep in mind, the courts have ruled TWICE now that we can use either Shelby Greene- her birth name OR Shelby Knispel-Greene...the name Mary wanted to change her name to) and Mary wrote across the letter 'NO PERSON BY THIS NAME LIVES AT THIS HOUSE'. Now she has no problem with using just 'Knispel' for Shelbys last name (Marys maiden name) which is in DIRECT VIOLATION of the court order. But God forbid we use 'Greene' (Shelbys birth name and LEGAL NAME!). We've tried. Countless times. So now, with Marys blatant thumbing her nose at the court order, we have no choice. We are having to take her in for contempt (she's already been in contempt five times!) again, in an effort to get her to smarten up and once again put Mark in contact with Shelby. We know that the court system is screwed up. At most, Mary will get yet another fine and a 'stern talking to' (Like she even cares!) but it DOES get her to smarten up for a bit.

We know that with her going through her third divorce her life is in turmoil again. She isn't getting what she wants from her soon to be third ex (she wants the house they built without having to compensate him for it. They both owned homes and they both put the profits from said homes into this new house and were only married 2 years!) so she is on her usual spiral. She is making his life hell but can't get through to him in a way that really affects him (he no longer will speak to her other than through his atty) so the only OTHER way she can 'vent' is to play games with Mark and Shelbys relationship. The sad thing is, it doesn't bother us at all, but Shelby is the one who pays the price for her mothers complete insanity. Shelby will be with us at Christmas this year (due to Marks crazy sea schedule this year, she had to miss her spring break with us as well as her summer visit) and it will be an opportunity for Mark and Shelby to reconnect. I am detached. I could care less at this point. sigh...

I am so tired of this. Tired of Mary getting away with having broken EVERY SINGLE order ever issued and US having to foot the bill to enforce them. If Mark had ever missed ONE CENT of child support, the state would go after him at NO COST to Mary and get the money, but she can violate court order after court order and WE pay for it.

On the bright side, we only have 2 years and 11 more months of dealing with Mary! but who's counting.......

Hugs to all,

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