Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Blog Challenge

There is a blogger in Australia who is challenging bloggers to do the below three lists. I actually read about this on a 'blogger friends' blog! So, here goes! :)

My three lists of 8. Or 'My 3x8'.

8 Things I look forward to.

The first Christmas card of the season. I EAGERLY wait to see who's will be first!
Marks submarine coming home when he is gone.
The first snowfall of winter.
My best friends phone calls.
My trip to WI this summer.
Post Secret every Sunday.
Sams high school graduation this Friday (yikes!)
The day Marks ex wife receives her last child support payment...that will mean we no longer have to deal with HER!....

8 things I did yesterday

wrote a bday card to my brother
Hugged my kids
Made GREAT meatballs and pasta for dinner
Worked out in the yard with Mark in the cool air of the evening
read another chapter in my book
had a fight with Sam...sigh
made good eating choices

8 Things I wish I could do

Reach my goal of going to law school!
Write a book
lose ten pounds
have a relationship with my mom
go on a trip with Mark without KIDS
reach Shelbys heart so she'd know we really do care and we really DO know what she is going through...
flood cookies
be 4 inches taller

And there you have it! So lets hear YOUR 3.8!

Hugs to all,

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