Wednesday, May 27, 2009

He's coming home he's done his time

After 15 LONG weeks, Mark is coming home! He will be home Friday morning bright and early! Lots has happened in those 15 weeks. Paige has lost a tooth, Ben has lost two. We celebrated Valentines Day, Easter and Mothers Day while he was gone. His ex wife filed for her THIRD divorce. His daughter has totally tanked her grades. Ben was accepted into a gifted program. Sam took his written drivers test. I kept the house running, the bills paid and my business afloat. I dried tears of children who missed their daddy so badly that they were wracked with sobs. I laughed with girlfriends until I pee'd my pants. We saw some good movies. I had some GREAT food with WONDERFUL women. The kids attended a total of five bday parties. I lost 15 pounds and started a work out plan that gets my butt to the gym three days a week. I gave up sugar. Paige went on two field trips. Sam went on one. Ben went on none. Mom and Dad celebrated their bdays. I bought tickets for our summer trip back home to Wisconsin. I drove a thousand miles(I swear!) shuffling kids back and forth to activities.

But none of that compares to what Mark was doing. For 15 weeks, he was busy keeping America safe and free.

Gotta love a man that does that!

Hugs to all,

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