Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I say if you are going to have a job, do it right and do it well! Take pride in what you do and know that it does impact people, even if it is in a small way! If you are required to do something, then follow through to the best of your ability and don't try to LIE about 'doing it'...

Some examples! shows...and the people who get PAID to ensure continuity! My family really hates watching movies or tv with me because I am always stopping and rewinding and SHOWING them the mistakes...and now that we have TiVo I can do it with tv shows! ahahaha. So I was watching movies with the kids this weekend...and as usual, I found numerous mistakes. Mistakes that to me are GLARING! In one scene, the characters are driving in a car down the road, and the car has British Columbia (Canada) license plates. As the car pulls off the road and into the parking lot of a diner, the plates magically turn into California plates! HELLO! Did no one notice this??? Another movie we were watching was a made for tv movie. At one point in this movie, the main character opens a letter by tearing off the end and pulling out the letter. The next scene shows her showing her friend the letter by opening the FLAP and taking out the letter..neither end was torn! UGH...just a little pet peeve of mine!

Another example. Mary was court ordered to provide Mark with copies of ALL pictures she had of Shelby. (This was a few years back). Of course, she sends blurry, crappy copies but hey..they were pictures Mark had never seen before. So as we are sitting in our attorneys office looking through them, I said "She hasn't sent copies of ALL the pictures she has". Our Attorney said "How do YOU know?". I said (holding up a snapshot of Shelby sitting at the piano) "You see this picture of Shelby at the piano? Do you see that on top of the piano there are studio portraits of Shelby in frames? I don't see copies of THOSE pictures in here!". So that was put before the judge and Mary had her ass handed to her on a plate. But really..either give Mark copies of ALL the pictures you have of your daughter...or DON'T give him pictures that show OTHER pictures in them! Details people...details!

I am a real hoot to take to the theatre let me tell you! :)

Maybe I should be a's better than turning into a nit picking old lady...oh wait..maybe I already am! lol

Hugs to all,

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