Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wisconsin Vacay!!

I am now in Wisconsin till the end of the month. What Mom and Dad and the rest of the family didn't know was that Mark was able to come back with us for six days! We pulled a great stunt when we got off the plane. The kids and I walked off the plane and met Mom and Dad and Terri and went to baggage claim....while Mark waited back until I texted him. Once he knew we were down in baggage claim, he called my cell and wanted to talk to Dad. He got on the phone and said "HI!" (keep in mind that everyone thought Mark was out to sea!). Dad said 'where are YOU?' and Mark lied his ass off and told him the sub broke and they pulled into San Diego to fix it. As he was saying this he is walking towards us all. Dad keeps talking away with his back to Mark. In the meantime, Mom spies Mark and is trying to wrap her brain around this guy walking towards her who LOOKS like Mark but isn't he in San Diego? This whole process takes about 20 seconds before she realizes it IS Mark! She lets out a great big SCREAM and Dad turns around to see 'what the junk' is going on...all in all it was a great surprise! Now we are here and having a great time. The kids have been swimming both days and we've done an awful lot of eating! lolol...

Paige on the shuttle to the airport....

Ben is coming too!

So is Mark!

Oh yah..and me..don't I look just thrilled??

Having breakfast at the clubhouse with Mom and Dad...

Guy is loving Paige...

Gramma Ruth..not bad for 98 years old!

Ben is ready to go swimming!

Fields of corn...

And Soybeans...

And country roads...

And huge farmhouses...

and Water towers..... I love Wisconsin!

Too much fun with Grampa wears a guy out!

and a girl!

More pics will follow as we take them! :)

Hugs to all,

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