Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Great White Hunter

So Mark loves hunting. That is no secret. He hunts every year. Used to get lots of deer when he lived in WI. Nothing since living in WA state. But he is not deterred! He is determined to get something sometime! So in his quest to better his hunting experience here, he continually buys hunting 'toys'. This past week he bought a self climbing tree stand as you cannot permanently affix one to a tree here in's a law..I checked. :)

So the tree stand was bought late Saturday night...he tried it out in the dark, with his big halogen lights on but he wasn't very successful. So bright and early..did I say EARLY??? Sunday morning this is how I found my dear sweet man spending his time!

Up in a tree...

And climbing a bit higher...

And look! You can take it all apart and turn it into a backpack! wheeeeeeeeee.....

I am keeping track of all the money spent on this 'hobby' and am going to find one of my own! I figure at this rate, I might be able to make going on cruises my HOBBY! lololol

Hugs to all,


Neurotic Atty said...

Meet George Jetson...

Unknown said... THAT is funny!