Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am Thankful for.....

1. My health. I don't take it for granted anymore. I had a cancer scare a few years ago and I saw how precarious our lives really are.

2. I am loved unconditionally. There is no explanation needed..

3. My children are all healthy...and happy.

4. Mark and I both have jobs. We can pay our bills, our mortgage, put food on the table, gas in our cars. In this economy, that is HUGE.

5. I have a brother who has walked through the fire with me. And he is by my side to this day.

6. I went the first 30 odd years of my life with 'parents' but no "Mom" or "Dad". Now I have both.

7. My walk with God is guilt free now. I walk with Him out of love, not fear. But that is going to be a topic of another blog....hang on to your seats for that one! :)

8. I have a group of friends that are always there for me. Circling the wagons is something they do best.

9. My husband, my Navy husband, is home for the holidays...YAY.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.....

Gobble Gobble


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